HiFi Edu helps primary class kids in building solid foundation for having a bright future. It explains the concept of Math and Science using visual media (animated videos) and make them understand how it is applied and used in real life. Each lesson topic is accompanied by superior video along with hundreds of activity work sheets for practicing what they have learnt. This helps engaging students for experimental learning. This helps students to develop the necessary skills to do well in the school.

Primary Class app
This Primary Class App is designed for KG – 5th Standard kids. This has more than 2,500 Videos for English, Math, Science and EVS explain using real life example in a simpler way to make the kids understand the concept. This App contains more than 2,000 Activity Work Sheets available Digitally for applying what they have learnt in each topic. The Teachers will use this for practicing with the kids.

Improve Listening & Speaking Skills
When the kids listen to the animated videos which explains each concept using a story telling way will engage the students and make the learning process more enjoyable. Learning through visualization is powerful and take out the fear of speaking in English.
Make Math Fun
Primary Class App teaches numbers, patterns, shapes, addition & subtraction, multiplication & division, measurements and more. The activity work sheets and videos make math fun while the kids building a strong foundation.

Learn to Read & Write
When the kids watch the videos and practice using work sheets, they will start learning to read and understand the meaning by referring the word / sentence with the object or context in their early age itself. They will understand Uppercase & lowercase letter recognition, learn phonics, rhyming words & word families and sentence structure. This will help the kids to improve their writing skills also by remembering what they have read from the videos & activity worksheets.
Free Teacher App & free Parent App
All communications between Teachers and Parents will be done using this App. Teacher can also monitor all activities of the Students in their class. Using HiFi Class, Teacher will mark Attendance, enter Marks, will send any notication or home work in Image, PDF, Text and Voice format to Students and Students will be able to send back the completed homework for evaluation.
Free School ERP
HiFi Edu provides a cloud based School Management System for Free. This is used for maintaining Teachers Profile, Student Profile, On-Line Fees Collection, Lesson Planning, etc. It provides enormous management reports, summary reports and certificates which can be download or printed.

Understand the World using Science & Social Studies
The content under this topic teaches about the body & health, plants & animals, weather, earth environments, solar system, map, etc. This helps the kids to understand the world they live in and inspires curiosity